Holy Communion

Holy Communion, like baptism, is a mystery of relationship. The more we learn of one another and of God, the more we realise how little we know. People are wonderful mysteries as is God our creator. Holy Communion is the mystery of meeting Jesus face to face in bread and wine. Jesus said, 'this bread is my body and this wine is my blood'. As we particpate in this communion we grow in our relationship with him and within our own being.

First Communion

At Living Faith we offer First Communion to anyone from the age of five or six onwards (as a guide) and ask them to participate in a First Communion conversation as preparation.

We believe Holy Communion to be a sharing in gifts God wants for all of us.

We believe that Communion is something for which we need a basic understanding of relationship and reconciliation. The requirement that St. Paul lays down is the willingness to be forgiven and to lead a forgiving life.